On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Steve Thomas wrote:

[ ... ]
> | Thanks for any help/suggestions you can offer.
> You *could* use procmail or even create a rule in SA to filter
> these, but you really should be using some sort of virus scanner and
> blocking the messages before delivery. SA is just a tool in the
> toolbox, and it's not really right tool for that job. Check out
> amavis at http://www.amavis.org/ .  Using that in combination with
> just about any virus scanner works quite well, and will keep you
> (and any users your server supports) virus-free.
> I read that you don't have access to the servers which receive mail,
> which may eliminate the possibility of adding A/V software to the
> mix, but in any event, your problem is with a virus, not spam, and
> should be handled with antivirus software.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions, everyone.  Believe me, I
get the hint :-).

The thing is, for a variety of reasons, an anti-virus system is just
not feasible or worthwhile in this instance.  For one thing, I'm just
a user on this system, not an admin.  And it's a bit like using a tank
to kill an ant.  One of the messages in question was scored a 4.0,
after all, with several of the rules firing.  Just some slight
tweaking would put it over the threshold.

Anyway, I guess the answer to my question of whether this has been
dealt with before is "no", and I'll have to come up with something on
my own.  I may just do something with procmail alone.  Since I'm
filtering things to a folder instead of deleting them, it doesn't need
to be perfect.

Thanks again.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Integration and Software Engineering (ISE)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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