> I don't know how they manage it but MS seems determined to do the
> strangest things.  A customer using MS Outlook 2002 sends himself a
> message with no subject and only the words "Hi there" and it manages a
> score of 5.084:

As someone mentioned already, Outlook 2002 doesn't force you to send HTML
messages. (Is HTML the default? It isn't on Outlook 2000).

> FROM_AND_TO_SAME_5                      1.314

I tried sending myself an HTML message with Outlook 2000, and this is the
only one it matched. Was your user using the "Use MS Word as an email
editor" feature? I know that produces some ridiculous HTML output.

> A couple of these are going to happen with any client
> (FROM_AND_TO_SAME_5, SUBJ_MISSING).  But only MS Outlook 2002 can manage
> the others with so little content.  The raw message is quite amazing to
> look at, with only 2 words worth about 8 bytes we end up with a 3KB
> message.  Clearly that leads to triggering HTML_70_90.

Man, I hope that was using MS Word. Otherwise MS has made Outlook even

> I don't know what triggered SPAM_PHRASE_00_01, probably some strangeness
> in all the tag nastiness.

Actually SPAM_PHRASE_00_01 means "messages contains no spam phrases." Every
message matches one of the SPAM_PHRASE rules, and this is the least spammy
one. So this one isn't Outlook's fault.

Since this is confusing and since the GA decided that S_P_00_01 should add
.78 points to every single nonspam message, I have set the score for this
rule to zero on my system.

Michael Moncur  mgm at starlingtech.com  http://www.starlingtech.com/
"Every crowd has a silver lining." --Phineas Taylor Barnum

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