Hello all,

My goal today is to get this filtering working on my 4 mail servers.
Just a summary of my situation. I dont know if anyone is using this is a heavy
production environment ( I assume so ) but I am running 4 Quad Xeon servers (1
Gig RAM) and Spamassassin (spamd) and routing mail that has a score of 10 or
higher to dev/null.

This is working very well. We are a heavily spammed organization with a bit
over 70,000 users.

Without spamassassin on, my loads are normaly .5 - 2 (pop gets a bit slugish and
stops responding after 4 or 5 )
With SA running the load is around 1.5 which is fine.
I am running SA 2.43 from an RPM in totly stock config ( except for changing
limit from 5 to 10 )

Now the problem:

I am seeing huge CPU spikes over time.
I can run for a few minutes to almost an hour and then the CPU will load up to
30.00 or more. Obviously this is killing the machine. So them I have to shut
SA off and let it catch up.

I see in the log files that during this time the spamd takes upwards of 30
seconds to flag a message. So that must be part of the problem. Or probably a
symptom. In this environment ( 6000 - 15000 messages and hour ) should I be
running the stock config or taking some of the checks out? Are some hanging or
taking too long?
Are you seeing a large spike in the number of spamd processes at this time, while seeing large usage of swap? If so, you'll need to set the max-children limit to something that will insure that spamd doesn't thrash itself to death. a setting of (free RAM at normal use without spamd running) / (normal size of spamd on my system) should be close enough. In your case, it looks like you've set max-children to 10. Check your memory usage at fairly heavy load, and see what's going on.

The problem without the max-children setting is that spamd slows down if it starts swapping. If email continues hitting the server unchecked, you have an explosion in the number of spamd processes, and nothing gets processed at all.

A short-term fix may be to add RAM to the machine. A better solution may be an external box for spamd processing. That eliminates some problems with calculating memory use with a MTA and spamassassin running on the same machine.

I need to know what to check and how to determine the problem.  I hope that I
can give some feedback for this product in a high volume environment but also
need to get this working so that it does not kill the machines.....

Looking forward to any suggestions.



Quoting "Clayton, Nik [IT]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel: 218.262.1130

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