hello, sorry about the cross post.
this is what im using: amavisd-new-20020517 postfix-1.1.11 spamassassin-2.42 rh 7.3 mysql-3.23.49-3 php-sa-mysql-0.5-KAM-0.2.3 im using postfix with amavisd-new. i compiled the amavisd-new to use spamassassin. after a lot of work i got the php-sa-mysql-0.5-KAM-0.2.3 to work. now i just need the spamassassin to work with the mysql. is there an easy way to stop the amavisd-new from sending the mail to SA? or are there some changes i can make to the configs? from what i have read, amavisd-new sends the mail to SA without the spamc/spamd running. and i guess from the reading i did i need to have spamd running in order for the SA to check the sql database and do its thing. any guidance/support in this matter would be greatly appreciated. TIA eric ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by: Influence the future of Java(TM) technology. Join the Java Community Process(SM) (JCP(SM)) program now. http://ads.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/redirect.pl?sunm0004en _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk