Robert Carsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've read through the man page for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf and did not
> find any option which will allow me to tell Spamassassin "hey, I don't
> want any X-Spam-Status" headers in my message.   
> My boss doesn't want that line (and all of the test= lines which come
> after it) to appear in our e-mails.  He only wants the X-Spam-Level:
> header  (the spam-o-meter). 

If you look for "X-Spam-Status" in it should be really
obvious which two lines to remove (hint: the ones that call &put_header).

However, I would caution you to *not* do that.  Why?

  - It makes it hard to debug false positives and false negatives

  - It makes it hard to debug SA-checked messages period -- if you ever
    forward a message to us, we will be unable to debug it since it will
    be missing critical information (the SA version, the score, test names,

Knowing why your boss doesn't want that line might be useful.  Does he
not want it for his email or for everyone's?  Does he consider some rule
names "inappropriate" (such as the PORN rules)?  Knowing a bit more may
enable you to be more precise in your solution.  Could you just strip
that header for his email ("formail" should be able to do that) or
reconfigure his MUA to not display that header?
> Is there an option that I missed?  Or should I buy a SpamAssassin
> developer some pizza and beer?

You should always buy SpamAssassin developers pizza and beer.  Or hire
one of them.  :-)


Daniel Quinlan                      Linux, open source, and    anti-spam consulting

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