Thanks again for all the help. Just want to clarify that I am running RedHat Linux 8.0. I am still struggling to figure out this puzzling behavior of spamc.
>> What about `strace spamc` and ctrl-C out? Any clues there? Then again, that may be a linux command. Yes, I did 'strace spamc'. It was giving out whole bunch of output - and I had to hit ctrl-C to break out. >>Does `netstat -an | grep LISTEN` show anything on port 783? I issued `netstat -an | grep LISTEN` and looks like its listening to port 783 among others. >>You can make sure spamd is working by running "telnet 783". It should connect, and if you hit enter/return it ought to give you a SPAMD Bad Header error. If that doesn't happen, there's something up with spamd. I did this and telnet connects fine, hitting enter gives a SPAMD Bad Header error. I am assuming therefore that spamd is working fine. >>It depends on what you have installed and operating system and all, but on my linux box for instance, as root you'd run something like "tcpdump -i lo port 783". The run spamc and see what happens. I would assume that if spamd show you anything with -D enabled about connections, that spamc isn't making it for some reason. I did this check as well, ran "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i lo port 783" as root. Opened a separate term as a user and run spamc as spamc < sample-spam.txt > spam.out. Root term showed whole bunch of output. Don't know what to make out of it. But spam.out doesn't show any tags. In the meantime I am running procmail with '| spamassassin -P' and SA is doing a hell of a job catching all the spams. SO whats up with spamc? Any idea how spamd fires up with all the *.cf file from /usr/share/spamassassin. Is there any thing wrong with how it starts up as a service? Mayne iis it looking for somewhere else for these files? I am using RH 8.0 and the SA v 2.31 that it came with. Didn't change any setup. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: ApacheCon, November 18-21 in Las Vegas (supported by COMDEX), the only Apache event to be fully supported by the ASF. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]