On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Kim Leandersson wrote:

> Hello!
> We've used spamd/spamc for a while for a limited number of users as
> evaluation. It has worked great! Now we have put together a machine that
> we wish to use as smtp gateway. We installed Mimedefang and want it to
> use spamassassin to scan all incomming mails. The problem is that we
> can't get it (either mimedefang or spamc) to rewrite the subject. I just
> put the result in the end of the mail. I want it to be as with
> spamd/spamc, the results in the header and "***** SPAM *****" in the
> subject if it is counted as spam. Anyone knows where to configure this?
> I've tried: /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf.save
> /usr/share/spamassassin/10_misc.conf
> I all of these I have:
> rewrite_subject 1
> subject_tag     *****SPAM*****
> report_header 1
> And still, I get the results in the body of the mail and no rewritten
> subject. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
> //kim

Mimedefang doesn't let spamassassin modify the subject, or any part of the
message. You have to use mimedefang to modify the subject. This
should be in their faq (if it isn't already).
This can be done like so:
        action_change_header("Subject", "*****SPAM***** " . $Subject);

BTW, mimedefang has it's own mailing list. If you need future help, the
people there (including myself) almost always give quick helpful
responces. (I'm not saying people here don't, just that mimedefangs list
is the right place for this discussion).

Take a look at the default mimedefang-filter, and the
contrib/linuxorg/filter files for decent examples of where to put that and
how to handle stuff in there. Those, along with the mimedefang-filter man
page should give plenty of info on how to build the what you want.

If you're not literate with perl, post a message to the mimedefang board
and I'm sure someone can help you out further.

Josh I.

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