On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 10:05:12PM -0400, Joe Berry wrote:
> whitelist_from  *@unitedmedia.com
> whitelist_from  *@myucomics.com
> whitelist_from  *@comics.com
> Here's an exact copy of the email itself.  Any idea why my whitelist
> isn't working?

Sure, you haven't whitelisted anything in the mail. ;)

> Return-Path: <dailycomic#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Comics.com" <dailycomic#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"umsan1.unitedmedia.com" != "unitedmedia.com", and the other two don't
match this stuff either.  You may want to whitelist either the actual
FQDN, or perhaps "whitelist_from *.unitedmedia.com"...


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