matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-11 17:06:00 -0400]:
> Really short spams are something SA alone isn't very good at. Fortunately 
> systems like Razor are wonderful at them, and the DNS blacklists help too:

While Razor is great still someone must get the spam first.  Which is
unfortunate.  DNS blacklists are also great but usually someone must
get spam first before the spammer gets listed in the RBL.

Probably for messages such as these that can't really be identified
only the TMDA style of methodologies can prevent people from getting
the spam in the first place.  I wonder about the possibility of
configuring SA to say that a message is too small to have enough
markers to say one way or the other and by this facilitate procmail to
a TDMA filter for those types of messagese.


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