"Of course, you probably need to use a userprefs database in that case,
rather than the userprefs in each user's home directory."

Aside from moving the process to another system, Are you saying that seting
up the users in a database is a faster process then putting configs in user
directories? I haven't completed my setup for the company. I've just been
testing. I was going to use mailertable for people without custom settings,
and just setup users who wanted custom in regular home dirs. 

I've only got about 100-120 email addresses to handle. So maybe this doesn't
even matter to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Lambert [mailto:lambert@;lambertfam.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] spamd uses a lot of CPU

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 05:35:20AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> hi list
> however, once the mails received go higher than 50 at one time, the
> CPU load shoots up to 90% or higher. and when this happens the mail
> server becomes very slow and sometimes users complain that they are
> not able to download their mails anymore.
> i noticed that the CPU used by spamd when checking one mail can go
> from 3 to 6 %. is there a tuning we can tune spamassassin so that it
> doesnt burden the CPU too much?

Seperate the two functions.  Run spamd on a dedicated box with lots
of CPU and memory.  Disk is not terribly important.  Just add -d
spamd.box.domain to you spamc invocation on the mail server.  

Of course, you probably need to use a userprefs database in that case,
rather than the userprefs in each user's home directory.  It is working
splendidly for my ISP in that configuration.  We haven't seen any
appreciable load increase on the mail servers since beginning use of
SpamAssassin site wide.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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