On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 01:06:26PM -0700, Seby Varghese wrote:
} I have the SpamAssassin installed site wide and would
} like to know there is a way to configure that if the 
} user is in white list don't do any other checks. We
} need this because 80% of the mail handled by our mail 
} server is from within the company domain and all the
} company domain mail is white listed. I think if I can 
} configure the SpamAssassin to first check whether the
} user is in white list and don't do any test after that
} I can save lots of CPU cycles

I'm calling spamassassin from procmail, which is called from postfix.  I
do my whitelisting in procmail before spamassassin is called, and it
saves significant resources.


   E Frank Ball                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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