On 14 Oct 2002 Mike Schrauder ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> If I wanted to change the subject of spam to say
> *****SPAM=14.3***** instead of *****SPAM***** site wide, is
> that possible?  Is there a way to use the score as a variable
> in a config file? Where would I set up the way the subject gets
> altered by SA?  TIA

This is what I do and advocate on a number of my pages, including
my IMAP page in the section "What to Look for in an IMAP Service
Provider," which is here


and in my Reverse Spam Filtering: Winning Without Fighting,
which is here


I use this

 rewrite_subject 1
 subject_tag {* _HITS_ *}

in my user_prefs file. The _HITS_ token is documented in the SA
man page.


--  I N F I N I T E  I N K    www.ii.com    N A N C Y  M c G O U G H  --

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