I'm just trying to understand, how AWL works.

As I have understood, AWL is like a longterm score for senders. When 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sends a message with positive score (>5), then her 
longterm score should increase. When <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sends s message 
with score below 5, then longterm score should decrease.

I made some tests (required_hits = 5):
0) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -R  # clearing all AWL scores
1) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
        Pre AWL score: 15.8, Post AWL score: 15.8
2) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
        Pre AWL score: 15.8, Post AWL score: 15.8
3) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
        Pre AWL score: 15.8, Post AWL score: 14.6
4) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
        Pre AWL score: 15.8, Post AWL score: 13.3

Honestly, I don't understand: the more spam-mail are sent, the lesser 
will be scores! Why?

Below are complete debug messages about those commands.
0) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -R  # clearing all AWL scores
1) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
  debug: running meta tests; score so far=15.8
  debug: 25300 Trying to get lock on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl pass 0
  debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl
  debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=63.10 scores 0/0
  debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): [EMAIL PROTECTED] scores 0/0
  debug: AWL active, pre-score: 15.8, mean: undef, originating-ip:
  debug: add_score: New count: 1, new totscore: 15.8
  debug: Post AWL score: 15.8
2) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
  debug: running meta tests; score so far=15.8
  debug: 25304 Trying to get lock on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl pass 0
  debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl
  debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=63.10 scores 
  debug: AWL active, pre-score: 15.8, mean: 15.8, originating-ip:
  debug: add_score: New count: 2, new totscore: 26.6
  debug: Post AWL score: 15.8
3) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
  debug: running meta tests; score so far=15.8
  debug: 25308 Trying to get lock on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl pass 0
  debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl
  debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=63.10 scores 
  debug: AWL active, pre-score: 15.8, mean: 13.3, originating-ip:
  debug: add_score: New count: 3, new totscore: 32.4
  debug: Post AWL score: 14.6
4) cat sample-spam.txt | spamassassin -aD
  debug: running meta tests; score so far=15.8
  debug: 25312 Trying to get lock on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl pass 0
  debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/awl/awl
  debug: auto-whitelist (db-based): [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=63.10 scores 
  debug: AWL active, pre-score: 15.8, mean: 10.8, originating-ip:
  debug: add_score: New count: 4, new totscore: 33.2
  debug: Post AWL score: 13.3


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