I don't think there's been a full GA run done since it was added, but if 
you browse the saDev list you can see people posting the test-rule freqs 
against their portions of the corpus. For example, on 10/10 Justin Mason 
reported (among a ton of other test rules):

   0.957    2.957    0.003    1.00    0.95    0.01  T_FROM_OFFERS

That's pretty good statistics so far (2.957% of spam hit, 0.003% of 
nonspam), but how it will score when the the full corpus is tested and the 
GA is run is yet to be seen. Nobody else has done a report which contains 
T_FROM_OFFERS so far. Maybe I'll run one against my micro-corpus this 
weekend and post it on saDev.

At 12:35 PM 10/11/2002 -0500, Robert Strickler wrote:
>Following up on the offers (should now test for offer[sz]) in the headers
>these also seem to be seen frequently in the headers as usernames or
>embedded in domain names.
>waaay back Malte said:
> > | | Subject: Re: [SAtalk] "offers" in header a good rule for trapping
> > | | spam
> > | |
> > | | AFAIK did we have such a rule in 70_cvs_rules_under_test.cf and
> > | | the
> > | | GA sorted it out (there's too much valid commerical mail send from
> > | | offers@*).
>Actually, we didn't -- we had other similar ones, but I don't think "offers"
>(note the plural!) was in there.  It looks like it's actually a good test
>(on my corpus at least), so I've put it in the CVS set for testing...

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