Could you be more specific than " I have "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in my spamassassin conf file."?
What exact SA command did you use? whitelist_from? whitelist_from_rcvd? Please include the exact whole line that's whitelisting this. Also, which spamasssassin conf file did you add it to? or user_prefs? If it's user_prefs are you sure SA is running as that user (note it's the user that invokes SA that matters, not the "to" or "from" in the email, so this is often always "root".) Lots of whitelist mistakes in SA 2.4x have to do with not understanding how whitelist_from_rcvd works and using it improperly. At 08:20 AM 10/11/2002 -0700, Jeff Grossman wrote: >I am using SpamAssassin 2.41 with MIMEDefang 2.21. I have my maillogs from >my Redhat 7.3 system e-mail me each evening with a copy of the logs. They >seem to get flagged by SpamAssassin as spam almost every evening. Here is a >copy of the headers. How would I whitelist this e-mail? I have >"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in my spamassassin conf file. ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]