All, I've been working on a graphing solution for mimedefang logs. It occurred to me that I could also parse and graph spamd logs...
So, here it is... graphdefang v0.4... now with spamd log support! You can see some live sample charts at: You can download GraphDefang from: Info from the README: GraphDefang is a perl utility that parses mimedefang or spamd syslog entries and creates a set of configurable charts (png files) with the data. The following attributes are definable: * Chart Type (stacked_bar or line) * Chart Time (hourly, weekly, or monthly) * X-Axis (Summary, Value1, Value2, Sender, Recipient, Subject, or All) * Y-Axis (any event logged with md_log within mimedefang-filter) * Top Number of Items to Display * Chart Title * Filter Graphdefang will also cache summary data so that it is not necessary to parse and recalculate old data each time new graphs are drawn. Regards, John Kirkland ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]