On Wednesday 09 October 2002 21:13 CET Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
> This French spam just came across the XFS for Linux ML:
> [...]
> So there!! :-(

So there what?

> I just set the score for RCVD_IN_BONDEDSENDER to 0.0.
> On http://www.bondedsender.org/referred.html it says to report the
> message. Of course I will not do that -- I fear that might have the
> adverse effect of producing even more spam. :-(

... and of course won't Bonded Sender work if nobody reports violations. Why 
don't you give them a chance before you start spreading FUD? Create a 
throwaway address at GMX and report the spam -- then check if
(a) the bond will be revoked and
(b) you'll receive any spam on the report address


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