On Wednesday 09 October 2002 01:19 CET Chad Frerer wrote:
>  The problem I'm having is that when mail is received via fetchmail (cron
> job)... all the mail is being delivered to root.  It only has this
> problem when I specify the MDA in .fetchmailrc as spamasassin. When I
> remove the mda line and let fetch use it's default.. the mail is dropped
> in the appropriate users mailbox's.  When spamassassin is used at the MDA
> in .fetchmailrc, it successfully changes the headers and the subject to
> include [SPAM] so it does it's job..
> Now if I can only get it to drop the modified mails in the boxes of the
> users that the mail was addressed to...
> any thoughts?

Don't use SpamAssassin as a MDA. This is not supported anymore. You should 
use procmail and put a call to spamassassin in the procmailrc (see 
procmailrc.example in the distribution).


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