Hi List,
as long as there is this discussed AWL behaviour i am actually quite
happy that my SA cannot open it, but in the end i would want to get rid
of this error:

Oct  9 09:23:03 hermes spamd[28990]: debug: 28990 Trying to get lock on
     /home/wagner/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist pass 0
Oct  9 09:23:03 hermes spamd[28990]: debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in
Oct  9 09:23:03 hermes spamd[28990]: debug: open of AWL file failed:
     Cannot open auto_whitelist_path
     /home/wagner/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist: Permission denied

my setup:

i am running spamd in ip-up.local:
 spamd --auto-whitelist --debug --daemonize --max-children 20 -p 11783
 -u wagner --helper-home-dir=/home/wagner

and spamc in procmail:
 :0 Wf
    | spamc -u wagner -d -p 11783
so both use '-u wagner' just to make sure...

and i've got a ~/.spamassassin/10_misc_settings.cf which reads:
 auto_whitelist_path         ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist
 auto_whitelist_file_mode    0600

and, in fact, there is ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with permissions
600 owned by me ('wagner'). (In adddition, there are auto-whitelist.dir
and auto-whitelist.pag both owned by root and mode 600 as well.)

btw, since i am the only user on this system root's ~/.spamassassin is a
symlink to /etc/spamassassin which in turn is a symlink to my personal
~/.spamassassin. /usr/share/spamassassin wasn't modified since
installing 2.42.

Any ideas?

A.WagnerNASPOMstud.uni-frankfurt.de [replace NASPOM with the @]

The software package said 'Requires Windows 95 or better',
so I installed Linux.

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