One of the many reasons I never put an A record on a domain name.  I had a
hell of a conversion at an ISP I consult with when they moved from a one
server to many server setup.  Previously they'd advertised domain.tld for
*everything*; MX, www, POP, SMTP, you name it.  Everything was domain.tld.
That made breaking off the mail system difficult.  

IIRC, I recall an arguement that strongly says you aren't supposed to put
an A on a domain.  I forget what the main reasons were though.


On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Mike Burger wrote:

> It's a normal behavior.  If you do not have a specific MX record for the 
> domain, the mail servers will look to the A record for the domain.  So, if 
> has the same A record as, or if is 
> CNAME'd to, than that system will receive the mail for 
> On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Terry Poperszky wrote:
> > If there is a better list for this, please feel free to direct me to it.
> > 
> > I maintain about 20 different domain registrations, only a couple of
> > which receive emails (At least legitimate ones). One domain that had
> > been receiving emails and was now defunct, was still receiving hundreds
> > of SPAM mails per day. In effort to cut them down I removed the MX
> > records from that domains zone, last night I got a call from the ISP
> > that hosts the web site and he said that he was now getting the brunt of
> > that traffic. Now, I am just a tad confused, he does not, nor has ever
> > hosted the email for this domain, why in the world would he be getting
> > them? 
> > 
> > Terry
> > 
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