Thanks to all that replied to this (two replies below). The CPAN install
worked (not something I'd heard of before, which is why I didn't try it).
In the end though, I upgraded the server to RH8 (which worked perfectly!),
and installed the RH RPM of SA, as it just seemed a lazy way to ensure I was
up to date with packages in general (BTW I'm sure there's a slight
performance gain). I created a procmailrc as suggested onthe website and all
seems to be working. Like Don, I don't have a lot of mail or users: My
mailserver just makes it easy to read mail from several POP hosts on several

> From: "Steve Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Chris Bartram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Newbie help-RH7.2+Postfix
> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 13:46:10 -0700
> The easiest way to install SA would be to run:
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::SpamAssassin'
> and answer yes to any questions about following dependencies. Once that's
> done, type:
> man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
> and you'll get most of what you need to know to configure SA.
> HTH,
> St-

The above is what worked for me and I'm a newbie as well.  I did have a
problem with my firewall (ipchains) setup preventing part of this process
from working (lwp I believe), so I disabled ipchains for the install rather
than trying to figure out which ports to open up etc.  I hadn't heard about
CPAN before (see but after seeing it work, I was impressed.
It's a way to automatically download and install Perl software.

After everything automagically downloaded and compiled, I ran the tests as
per the install doc.  I then created a .procmailrc in my home directory also
as per the install doc.  In my case I specified a different filename for the
tagged messages to go to and then updated the folder list on my imap mail
client to include that to monitor what was going there.  After seeing some
messages I created a user_prefs file in my home directory to modify how the
messages were being tagged.  In my case I didn't want HTML based messages to
be rendered unreadable.  The stuff I added to my user_prefs file is below
for reference.

rewrite_subject 0
defang_mime 0
report_header 1
use_terse_report 1

My environment may differ from yours, I don't have a lot of users to worry
about or a lot of mail to process.  I can't help with running spamassassin
systemwide via the more efficient demon process but if you can manage
individual .procmailrc configurations the above may be of some help.


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