Got the dist from

Surprised its not in there.

Will get the TAR and load that way.

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Nix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 2:52 PM
|To: Smart, Dan
|Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Pyzor not loading
|On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Dan Smart said:
|> ImportError: No module named distutils.core
|> I've loaded a current copy of python 2 (Python 1 is still loaded)
|> [root@lewis pyzor-0.4.0]# rpm -q python2
|> python2-2.2.1-1
|> [root@lewis pyzor-0.4.0]# rpm -q python2-tools python2-tools-2.2.1-1
|> [root@lewis pyzor-0.4.0]# rpm -q python2-devel
|> python2-devel-2.2.1-1
|> Where do I need to go to get this library!
|It is part of the Python 2.2.1 library, distributed with Python.
|Maybe your distributor has put the less often-used parts of 
|the library in a python2-libs package?
|`It's hard to properly dramatize, say, the domestic effects of 
|Dad's  bank overdraft when a giant writhing kraken is 
|levelling the city.'
|          --- Shiner & Sterling, _Turkey City Lexicon_

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