
So the AWL has completely changed from stopping repeat spammers from 
getting through and allowing a person who normally sends good email who 
sends you that 1 spam email to still get through TO a system where a 
spammer who sends consistent spam emails will eventually *break through* 
and be allowed in???

I thought the AWL was designed to stop spammers from getting through 
period by tracking their scores? So it seems with 2.42, it now works 
*only* as an auto whitelist, with no real blacklist ability as it had 

Just trying to clarify how the new system works, as I am seeing more spam  
get through (5-10 per day as opposed to 1-2) with 2.42.

Rob M.

> > I too am seeing very weird things with 2.42 and AWL.  I  installed a
> > fresh system, and then ran a bunch of test spam through it (all from the
> > same user).  All messages should have scored over 15.  The AWL kept
> > adjusting them down so that after about 10 message I had a negative
> > score.  I'm using spamc/d.
> That's exactly what is intended; the idea is that legit senders who
> habitually score just > 5, will eventually get out of "AWL hell" after
> 6-10 messages.
> Note that running a single spam through "spamassassin -a -t" *will*
> eventually whitelist the spammer.  but that's why the man page tells you
> not to do it ;)

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