Well, you've not said what you've tried so far, but the following should be 
the proper procedure.

Note: It is strongly advised that you not edit the files in 
/usr/share/spamassassin unless you absolutely have to (ie: if unwhitelist 
is broken)

Edit /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf  if you want the changes site-wide or 
~/.spamasssassin/user_prefs if you want it per user that spamassassin runs 
as (note: there is a distinction here between who the mail is addressed to, 
and what user SA runs as).

Here you can add lines such as:

blacklist_from *@*spammer.com

whitelist_from          *@*friend.com

#note that there are three varieties of whitelist for to: addresses. In 
increasing order of strength:
whitelist-to            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
more_spam_to      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
all_spam_to           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if you use spamd, restart it after you edit the config.

At 08:17 AM 10/7/2002 -0400, Don Stafford wrote:
>SpamAssassin is working great!
>BUT - - - - -
>I cannot get my whitelist or blacklist file to work.  The
>almost-certainly-spam and probably-spam files (being created in
>/var/spool/mqueue) does have some valid emails....
>The local.cf has the path to the lists, but SA is ignoring them.
>Could someone give me specifics on how to do this please??

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