I'm running on RH 7.2, perl version 5.6.0 and ExtUtils::MakeMaker
5.45.  Once I manually upgraded HTML::Parser, everything is fine (and
by now, I've gotten Razor2 and pyzor installed).  All the test are
good and the sample spam goes through properly.

On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Malte S. Stretz wrote:

> On Saturday 05 October 2002 18:39 CET Shane Williams wrote:
> > Trying to test 2.42 since I'm still at 2.31.
> >
> > I run perl Makefile.PL and everything looks good.
> This step should have been told you:
> "Warning: prerequisite HTML::Parser 3 not found at (eval 1) line 220."

That's what I would have expected, but it didn't.  I moved right on to
make and everything on that step went fine too (unless some error
messages went by too fast).  It wasn't until I ran make test that I
started seeing errors.  Of course, if I'd read the INSTALL file...

> > I run make and everything looks good.
> > Then I run make test and all hell breaks loose.
> >
> > Looking through the make test errors, it becomes clear that I have a
> > version of HTML::Parser older than 3.  I install the lastest
> > HTML::Parser and retry.  Now make test runs cleanly (except for Razor,
> > but I'll take care of that later).
> >
> > What's odd is that looking at Makefile.PL it seems to check for
> > HTML::Parser > 3, but it obviously didn't bail out.  Not a huge deal,
> > but it might trip some people up.
> I guess you've just overlooked it. Just to gather some data: On which 
> platform do you build and which version of Perl and ExtUtils::MakeMaker do 
> you use? You can get the latter version via
>   perl -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e 'print $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION'

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
http://pgp.mit.edu/                | Systems Administrator UT-GSLIS
All syllogisms contain three lines |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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