On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 10:37, Johnny L. Wales wrote:
> Hiya!
> Is there some place where I can send my false positives? As a
> for-instance, I got a message from sourceforge which said my mailing list
> ID was about to expire, and it got tossed in my SpamAssassin folder. I'd
> like to show it to you, but it looks like I already deleted it.
> -- 
> Johnny Wales
> Book Systems, Inc.

me too. However, to avoid posting a lame me-too 1st p0st mail, I did a
little googlery on the subject and found some scary automated tools,
looks pretty unpolished as yet:

It appears from reading up on SA and Razor that there's plenty of
ability to automatically destroy your false positives, some ability to
simply quarantine them and manually rescue them, and very little ability
to do anything constructive about them. 

I suppose one could build up a personal database of spam and non-spam
then re-run the genetic algorithm stuff to modify the local ruleset, but
I really have no idea what I'm talking about there :-)

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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