On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 02:28:19PM -0500, Johnny L. Wales wrote:
> Howdy! Does anyone have some vague idea of what exactly is wrong with the
> below installation that would cause it to say that I'm unsafe for sending
> mail to programs? What sort of stuff do I need to look at to try to fix
> this problem?

That means you didn't configure procmail to be "safe" via smrsh.

If you don't have procmail already as your local delivery agent,
I would recommend it.  Then you wouldn't need the .forward file.
If this is not an option for you, you should make the proper symlink
for smrsh.  It depends on your installation where that symlink should go.
In RedHat Linux it's /etc/smrsh, common sendmail installations would
be /usr/adm/sm.bin.

There'll be a lot of help on the web about this.  Search google for the
error string.

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