On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 01:06:24PM -0400, Jevin Maltais wrote:
>     I'm running Slack 8.0, kernel 2.4.18.  P2-233 with 128megs of ram.  I just 
>upgraded from 2.20 to 2.41 and for some reason, spamassassin crashes and syslog 
>saying it has run out of memory.  I had no problems with 2.20 (memory wise) but would 
>cause mailbox corruption so I want to upgrade.  I have a difficult time believing 
>that 128 megs of RAM is not enough to start this script.  What could I be doing wrong?

Well, 2 things.   1) are there process memory limits (via ulimit or
limit), 2) what amount of swap space do you have, 3) what does "free" say?

You may 128MB RAM, but it's not all available for applications.  If you
have a process memory limit, or if you had no swap and were using 124MB
of RAM, you're not going to have a lot of memory available for SA and
anything else you run.

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