>From: "Steve Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Don Lindbergh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 1:48 PM
>Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Whitelisting with an alias

> As root, type:
> ln -s /path/to/spamassassin /etc/smrsh/spamassassin
> What's happening is the SendMail Restricted SHell (smrsh) isn't allowing
> alias to execute. From the smrsh man page:
>    It sharply limits the commands that can be run
>    using the ``|program'' syntax of sendmail in
>    order to improve the over all security of your
>    system.  Briefly, even if a ``bad guy'' can get
>    sendmail to run a pro­gram without going through
>    an alias or forward file, smrsh limits the set
>    of programs that he or she  can  exe­cute.
> Which basically means that if there's no symbolic link in the smrsh
> (/etc/smrsh by default on RH systems), sendmail isn't allowed to execute
> BTW, you don't need to create a real user with the same name as the alias.
> St-

Again, thanks for your help.  Getting closer.  After doing the above (and
deleting the actual user account on the machine) I was still getting bounced
mail sent to the alias, now with a new error message.

Cannot create tmp lockfile /var/spool/mail/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock
: No such file or directory
554 5.3.0 Internal error

The only way I could get this to go away was to create the directory as root
and give it full permissions via chmod 777.  chmod 666 didn't seem to work.
I figure this is probably the wrong approach though.  What should I do here?

So, I can manually create the directory and give it the permissions
(apparently) needed to allow the auto-whitelist.lock file to be created (and
mail sent to the alias then doesn't bounce), however then spamassassin
creates/updates an auto-whitelist.db and user_prefs in that directory
(/var/spool/mail/.spamassassin/).  It seems this won't help me as I call
spamassassin from my $USER_HOME/.procmail file and thus an auto-whitelist.db
and user_prefs file in that directory are used for incoming mail.

I put the below lines in my $USER_HOME/.spamassassin/.spamassassin.cf file
in an effort to force the use of the directory I want, however spamassassin
as invoked by mail sent to the alias seemed to pay no attention to these
instructions and continued to insist on using /var/spool/mail/.spamassassin
to write user_prefs and auto-whitelist.db

auto_whitelist_path        /home/don/auto-whitelist
auto_whitelist_file_mode   0666

I tried putting these in my $USER_HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs files as
well and got the same results.  I might be missing something in the
spamassassin docs, but it's not clear to me whether the auto_whitelist_path
and file_mode instructions go in the .spamassassin.cf file or the user_prefs
file.  Which is it?

If I change the line in my /etc/aliases file to the below, user_prefs is no
longer created in the /var/spool/mail/.spamassassin directory, but
auto-whitelist.db still gets put there

whitelist: |"/usr/bin/spamassassin -C
/home/don/.spamassassin/.spamassassin.cf -p
/home/don/.spamassassin/user_prefs -W"

What am I missing?  I'm wondering about the -M flag. What exactly is the
'factory' referred to here (-M, --whitelist-factory            Select
whitelist factory)

is this /usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist.cf?

I started looking at configuring spamassassin to just use the
auto-whitelist.db file in /var/spool/mail/.spamassassin where the alias call
seems to always want to put it, however I ran into the same issues trying to
add/remove addresses from auto-whitelist.db manually.  As root, if I execute
the below command, auto-whitelist.db gets created in /root/.spamassassin
even though both /etc/mail/spamassassin local.cf and user_prefs have the
auto_whitelist_path set to /var/spool/mail/.spamassassin

spamassassin -p /etc/mail/spamassassin/user_prefs -C
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf -W < delete.eml

I'm also not clear on what the difference is between local.cf and

What is the correct way to set up whitelisting with an alias?

thanks for any help,


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