On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 08:32:55AM -0500, Dan Abernathy wrote:
> I'm seeing quite a few porn spams lately that SA is letting through. These
> are text messages with wording "innocent" enough not to trigger SA, but
> peppered with links to terra.es hosted porn sites.

Yeah, I've been getting those too...

> Any chance we could have a user-configured blacklist section that checks
> the body for URL matches in a future version? I realize spammers move
> around a lot, but terra.es is a firmly entrenched spam-friendly provider.
> I'd like to trap any inbound message that contains a link to anything
> hosted by them.

Personally, I just have some (rather large) body tests in my local.cf with
bad domains in 'em.

> The messages are not FROM a terra.es mail server, or I'd guess the RBL
> checks would nail them. They just contain links to their porn.

These message are being sent by (apparently) exploiting machines that have
been subjected to a particular virus, or are in some way vulnerable to this
abuse.  I've had two of my dialup users' machines used for this spam in the
last week.

I really wish there was some way of knowing who was doing this, as even if
spam isn't illegal, breaking in to other people's machines to send it
certainly is!


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