Hello all,

I have a FreeBSD machine running sendmail with mailscanner. Mailscanner 
is a virus/spam filtering package
that uses Spamassassin.
I was working with SA version 2.20 and it was pretty effective.
I upgraded to 2.41 and now I'm seeing some strange things.

1. A LOT more spam is getting through undetected.
2. Messages that were deemed as spam before the upgrade are now scored 
MUCH lower
    than they were previously and make it through
3. Identical messages yield different scores on subsequent sendings. 
Sometimes radically different.
    ie: a test spam message scores a 5.3, gets labeled as spam and 
blocked. An identical test message
         one minute later scores 2.1 and gets passed through.

I've re-re-reinstalled. Checked through all the config files. Read all 
the docs. I have not seen any
issue like this previously mentioned on any FAQ's

Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts, suggestions?



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