i have observed numbers in the range of 50% spam for several
enterprises measured over the day.  

i use amavisd and postfix for this purpose.
i set loglevel=3 in /etc/amavisd.conf.

then here's a shell script that computes it:
spamin=`grep $1 $log | grep "spam from" | wc -l`
echo $spamin spams
wcin=`grep $1 $log | grep "SMTP-in" | wc -l`
echo of $wcin pieces of mail =
bc -l <<EOF
echo %

this certainly could be replaced by half a line of perl,
or two lines of awk.

i have also hacked up pflogsumm (the postfix log summarizer)
to count spam mails by site, but i'm still tweaking it.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 11:04:39AM +0200, Kim Leandersson wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm currently test spamassassin (spamd/spamc) to see if we should
> implement it sitewide here. Is there a way to log how many mails that
> spamassassin tags as spam and how many that aren't counted as spam. If
> it's possible I also want to log the score so we can have our own little
> high score here :)
> If spamassassin doesn't log this, maybe I can get the information from
> procmail?
> //kim
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