Danita Zanre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-27 10:10:04 -0600]:
> As a totally off-topic aside - am I the only female who posts to this list? 
> The last time I posted about a month ago someone referred to me as "he" - 
> so I'm feeling very geeky <g>.

Does mistaken identity have anything to do with being geeky?  English
just lacks a generic pronoun and everyone will be caught in that
problem at some time or another.  One of the reasons I take the easy
way out and avoid those when I can.  And, very unfortunately, you look
the same on my text display as everyone else's text looks.  However,
for most of us guys that is a good thing.  :-) Therefore mistaken
identities are common, especially if someone is fast and furious with
the keyboard.

Fortunately being geeky is an in thing today.  Maybe not as much today
that so many .coms have crashed and the tech market is down, I am
confident it will swing back up again.  But so far it is still okay to
walk down the street with a ThinkGeek t-shirt on loudly proclaiming to
the world your technical proclivity.  And it is only getting more so
as technology becomes more and more a part of everyone's lives.
Proud to be a geek!


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