On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 11:34:17AM -0700, Tom at ATT wrote:
> Well this is all pretty foggy to me, but I'm running spamd using the
> supplied spamassassin script which uses the -d -c -a options.  Then spamc
> gets called from procmailrc with only a -u option because it complained
> about running as root.

Ok, I was hoping it would be something simple like using a -L which
turns off all non-local tests (RBL, Razor, etc.)

There was another response which talked about Net::DNS which would be
my next guess as well.  If you run spamd or spamassassin with a -D,
you should be able to find out if Net::DNS is usable and whether there
were any errors doing lookups.

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