Thanks a lot guys... I've got a much saner setup now...

(Used to be 100+ spam mail messages to scan through a day for false
positives). Not it seems like 80% is getting filtered out.)

Now lets just hope I don't get a really important message over spam leve 12


-- Anant

PS: Why isn't there a FAQ for this?

                    Theo Van                                                           
                    Dinter               To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                
                    <felicity@klu        cc:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
          >              Subject:     Re: [SAtalk] Score based header  
                    03:50 PM                                                           

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 03:32:16PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is there any way to modify the header that spam assassin puts out so that
> there is a key word like "low", "medium", "high" based on the score, so
> that rules can be set up in the .mailfilterrc accordingly?

There should be a FAQ question about this.  In short, you can use the
X-Spam-Level header to do what you want.  Just filter on the number
of characters.  For more information, see "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf".

       spam_level_stars { 0 | 1 }        (default: 1)
           By default, a header field called "X-Spam-Level" will be added
           to the message, with its value set to a number of asterisks
           equal to the score of the message.  In other words, for a
           message scoring 7.2 points:

           X-Spam-Level: *******

           This can be useful for MUA rule creation.

Randomly Generated Tagline:
In general, if you think something isn't in Perl, try it out, because it
 usually is.  :-)
              -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(See attached file: attx8n1m.dat)

Attachment: attx8n1m.dat
Description: Binary data

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