> Is there anyway to configure Spamassassin or procmail (the system is 
> using spamd) to reject the mail instead of marking it as spam?

It is better to delete it than to bounce it.  Most of all spam is
injected with no way to receive a bounce.  If you have received it
then it is now to late to bounce it to the spammer since they have
already given it to you and moved on.  They either used an open relay
or just are not going to listen to your bounce.  Therefore the bounce
only cloggs up your mail server and not theirs.  Feel free to clog up
your mail server if you like, however.

If you want to bounce using SA then you really, really want to do that
at the border machine mailserver that received the mail.  Check out
the list archives for one of the many suggestions on doing that such
as coupling spamassassin + exim to bounce at the point where you have
not yet received the message and are still talking to the spammer.


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