On Thu, 2002-09-26 at 10:52, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 10:40:57AM -0500, Jeremy Turner wrote:
> > I worked through a mini-howto on spamassassin which used the '-F 0'
> > option when invoking spamd, which is supposted to disable rewriting the
> > 'From' header.  I can't find this option on the manpage though.  Is it
> > not available in the spamd/c option?
> It was available to spamd, but SA 2.4x doesn't have that option anymore.
> SA doesn't mangle the From header anymore. :)

I'm running Debian woody, and I grabbed the newest spamassassin from
testing (2.41), yet I am still getting malformed headers.  This leads me
to believe that I have an MTA problem (exim, btw).  But would I need to
configure spamassassin differently to scan for spam for non-local emails
(e.g., emails that need to be SMTP-ed to another MTA)?


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