Hello erveryone, I just installed SA in my Redhat/Sendmail8.12.5/amavisd
system and it's working fine.
The thing is, since I'm form Brazil, I would like to add my own rules and
scores to catch Portuguese-Brazilian SPAM.
I tried to play with some of the .cf files in /etc/mail/spamassassin but the
messages I send with the words I add to be tested are not tested against my
rules just the default ones.

Well my .cf files are in /etc/mail/spamassassin and there's a link in
/usr/share/spamassassin also.
The directory permissions are as folows:
drwx------    2 spamd    spamd        4096 Jul 11 22:43 .
I start spamd with 'spamd -d -a -q -x -u spamd'

My opinion, for what it matters, is I am doing something wrong regarding the
syntax os the files, so here's an example I trying to use:

header BR_OFERTA
describe BR_OFERTA Publicidade por email
score BR_OFERTA      2.5

Any help would be great.


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