This question has probably been asked a billion times before. Please be 
patient with me..

After installing Sendmail (8.19) and SpamAssassin (together) and swapping the 
old email server (an old clunky MacIntosh thing) for the new high powered 
(laugh) Linux server (the one with Sendmail and SpamAssassin), my users are 
complaining that emails, particularily long-lined HTML emails have an "=20" 
at the ends, which can break HTML if it occurs in the middle of the tag and 
just looks ugly otherwise.

It seems to be happening with long lines, kind of as if one of the packages 
is word-wrapping the lines and supplying a faulty line-ending.  I don't think 
it's SendMail doing this, because SpamAssassin will complain about long 
lines, if we feed it a long line.

Where should I look for a solution?

Russ Gilman-Hunt
Hot Off The Press

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