I noticed this problem at the time, but ignored it, cos I 
figured anyone who actually bothered reading the changelog would 
likely know what the deal was.  But that was probably a bad 
assumption since our userbase has started growing so huge now.  
We should probably file a bugzilla ticket against the 
release-build scripts in /build so that cvs2pl can be made to do 
the right thing or something.  Any thoughts from anyone that's 
run into this before running cvs2pl or equivalent against a 
branched CVS tree?


On Friday, June 21, 2002, at 06:25  PM, Duncan Findlay wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 08:00:31PM -0400, Rose, Bobby wrote:
>> I thought it got added.  According to the changelog razor2 support was
>> added.
>> 2002-06-17 18:24  hughescr
>>         * lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/: Dns.pm, Reporter.pm: Bugzilla #446:
>>         Razor2 support -- hope it works!
> That's a bug in the changelog.
> Razor2 support was added to the main branch of CVS between when 2.30
> and 2.31 was released. However, it was not added to the 2.30 branch.
> Unfortuanetly, due to a bug in cvs2cl, it was added into the
> changelog, but was not actually done.
> --
> Duncan Findlay
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