On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 05:48:09PM -0500, Bill Omer wrote:
| I'm using spamass-milter on my mail gateway, and I would like to figure
| out a way to not make SA modify the body, only change the subject, when
| mail has been marked as spam.

report_header       1

(hmm, is there no switch to turn off all reports?  the above switch
puts the report into a separate header instead)

| I would also like to figure out a way to
| make all high-scoring spam (15+) get deleted automatically.   Is this
| possible using spamass-milter?  

Dunno, but I do it with sa-exim :-).  Certainly you could do it in
procmail if you feed mail through that at some point.



A kindhearted woman gains respect,
but ruthless men gain only wealth.
        Proverbs 11:16

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