On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

> > I had a similar problem, and after going through the documentation I
> > noticed that the problem was that I had forgotten to add the following to
> > the beginning of the procmailrc file:
> >
> I appreciate all your help, but all of that is done.  As I said, a lot of the
> DB is working.  All of it, in fact.  It appears that the GLOBAL user is
> overriding a specifically named user, though, which is what I'm trying to see
> if anyone else has that trouble.

I did run into this problem while setting up spamd to use the DB to
retrieve preferences. It seems that the configuration is parsed
in order: local.cf, user's DB entries, "GLOBAL" DB entries.

My solution was to set the default values in the local.cf, and let
the user's DB entries override them.

Hope this helps,

Anthony Fleisher         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Network Administrator
Internet Ventures Oregon

Ashland, Oregon
Voice: (541)482-8324  Fax: (541)488-7599

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