On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 06:27:01PM +0200, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
>  One think I hadn't find out until now is how I can make
>  this combo make _bouncing_ spam instead of sending back
>  and explanation, why and who has detected a certain mail
>  as spam.

My code for exim does that, see SApermreject:
The error message you return isn't an option but you can change that in the
code easily.
>  I want to make those (/%&$"(%$ spammers think, the email
>  address they used to send me spam isn't valid anymore.

Change the code to say user unknown.

You should ask further questions on the sa-exim list though since most
people here do not run sa-exim and many don't even run exim :-)


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