On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 07:09:04PM -0400, sysadmin wrote:
> I've got SA 2.31 , and recently installed razor 2.09 , but when
> I run spamassassin -r to report spam I have caught, it reports
> version 1.19. Why is that, and how can I get it to use the latest
> (as Razor2 in the perl lib dir ...), assuming that this wont break 
> things like 1.20 seemed to.

1) SA 2.31 doesn't support Razor2, that's why it doesn't use it. ;)
2) Upgrade to razor 2.12.  it fixes a number of bugs from 2.09.

If you want to have Razor2 support, you'll need to get SA 2.40 out of CVS.

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