Excellent page. Here's some of my own local rules if anyone on the list 
wants em. I think most of these are pretty decent for general consumption, 
but who knows, I could be wrong :)

In several cases (ie: PORN_LOCAL_5 and EMAIL_PURCHASED_LIST) the syntax of 
the regexp could be more efficient, but I'm not very good with regexp. 
Recommendations for improvement are welcome.

body PORN_LOCAL_1               /\bhardcore.{1,10}animal.{1,15}site/i
describe PORN_LOCAL_1           custom porn rule
score PORN_LOCAL_1                   0.5

body PORN_LOCAL_2               /\brape sex/i
describe PORN_LOCAL_2           custom porn rule
score PORN_LOCAL_2                   1.0

body PORN_LOCAL_3               /\b(?:absolutely|completely|100\%) uncensored/i
describe PORN_LOCAL_3           custom porn rule
score PORN_LOCAL_3                   0.8

describe PORN_LOCAL_4           offers uncensored images or video
score PORN_LOCAL_4                   1.0

describe PORN_LOCAL_5           custom porn rule young females
score PORN_LOCAL_5                  1.0

body    ADDRESS_WAS_OBTAINED         /\baddress was obtained/i
describe ADDRESS_WAS_OBTAINED   claims an address was obtained from something
score ADDRESS_OBTAINED               0.5

body    EMAIL_PURCHASED_LIST    /\b(?:email|e-mail) .{0,30}purchased list/i
describe EMAIL_PURCHASED_LIST   describes a purchased email list
score EMAIL_PURCHASED_LIST           1.5

#I also noticed some copyrighted emails emails not hitting on the existing 
copyright rule

body COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED2         /\bcopyright.{0,30}200[0-9]/i
describe COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED2     Contains a claim of copyright in 200x
score COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED2            -1.5

body COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED3         /\b\&copy.{0,20}200[0-9]/i
describe COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED3     Contains a claim of copyright in 200x html 
score COPYRIGHT_CLAIMED3           -1.5

At 10:56 AM 6/28/2002 +1200, Simon Lyall wrote:

>I've put up a little page of various local rules people have posted
>Please lete me know if there are corrections, changes, updates.

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