No, this is mail from outside to a user inside; it's not mail we're sending out. Accordning to the SA Mail_SpamAssassin_Conf.txt docs:
whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam; The whitelist_to section of the doc: whitelist_to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If the given address appears in the `To:' or `Cc:' headers, mail will be whitelisted. As I read this, it says that the whitelist_from is for external addresses which send mail to us, while whitelist_to is for internal users (read: us) who send mail out to those sites. Is this an incorrect interpretation? Again, the message header says it's coming from for Received: from ( []) by (8.12.2/8.12.2) with ESMTP id g5QN1eZE017979 so my *@* listing should work. But the question is not whether the whitelist is being applied; it is. The tests results for the message: tests=MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_2,CLICK_BELOW,MAILTO_WITH_SUBJ,WEIRD_PORT,CLICK_HERE_LINK,SUPERLONG_LINE,MAILTO_LINK,WEB_BUGS,CTYPE_JUST_HTML,USER_IN_WHITELIST shows that whitelist is applied, bumping the score down to change is as non-spam-status. But it is still getting mangled by mime_defang to a somewhat-unreadable form (straight HTML code). ....k -=-=-=- > > Any hints on how to fix this or change the timing of when/if > > mime_defang is applied? Or is this an all-or-nothing situation? > > > > Thanks!!!! > > You need to look at the email that you're seeing from these lists and make > sure that you shouldn't be using > > Whitelist_to > > Instead. Otherwise it will fail the test and get whammied. > > Ron -- *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Kevin Freels, Systems Administrator 415/553.8000 (v) Wild Brain, Inc. 415/850.3273 (c) 2650 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 415/553.8009 (f) *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* "Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax!'" ------------------------------------------------------- Sponsored by: ThinkGeek at _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]