John Goggan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: SpamAssassin (score=9.9, required 7,
> FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS (0.382), CLICK_BELOW (1.531), EXCUSE_7 (1.305), EXCUSE_3
> (0.782), NO_MX_FOR_FROM (1.8), MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (1.107))

Yup, I wanted something like that too.  Posters here helped me write
some perl scripting to do it in conjunction with procmail.  The
script misses some scores every once in a while, not sure why.  Maybe
the read needs to be rewound or something but I couldn't really see

Its not really as simple as you'd probably like, but mainly due to my

My set up works like this:

`spama_list_scores' (a perl script) first trawls thru the spamassassin
installed `*' then any system wide scores in

(It doesn't check at the user level (~/.spamassassin) just system
level as noted.  Since on my setup there is but one user.

A full list of scores is compiled into one file for further sourcing
at: /etc/mail/spamassassin/spama_all_scores.tmp.

This was done so the main script wouldn't have to do that same work
everytime procmail invokes it.  So one drawback is that if you change
or override a score, you'll need to rerun spama_list_scores so it
will be in the source file.

`spama_list_scores' assumes all distro scores will appear in
/usr/share/spamassassin/* (They do, I believe)
And in my case /etc/mail/spamassassin/
So if you have others you'd need to edit the script

The main script, `scores' depends on that source file 
to be accurate.

spamassassin docs:

cat .procmailrc
[...] snipped head

## Below standard procmail invocation of spamc
  | $BIN/spamc

## And an additional section to pass the headers
## Thru my script
## This grabs the Status line Rules section, unfolds it if folded
## and retains it as $MATCH.  Passing $MATCH into my perl script
## as ENV{"MATCH"} (Thanks Bart)
  * ^X-Spam-Status:[ ]*\/.*
## The script looks up the individual scores and reassembles the line.
## then reassigns the value of $MATCH to be that output.

    :0 fh
## Procmail then inserts a new header `X-Spama-Scores' with the new
## value of match.  Which now is a list of the rules and there
## individual scores

    | formail -I "X-Spama-Scores: $MATCH" 

An  example of what it does looks like:
[...] Other headers

  Header inserted by spamassasin:
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.5 required=5.0 tests=IN_REP_TO,X_LOOP,SUBJ_ENDS_IN_Q_MARK 

  Header inserted by my `scores' script and procmail (Very similar to
  your example)
X-Spama-Scores: D:IN_REP_TO:-3.382 D:SUBJ_ENDS_IN_Q_MARK:-0.135 D:X_LOOP:-1.000 
    (RULE:SCORE and at the end T(total):SCORE) 

But, as I mentioned, it misses some scores occassionally.  Maybe you
can see why if you look at the script.

Both scripts are posted here:
(The only documentation is that they are heavily commented)

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