On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 01:50:05 PDT,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

>> SA does not add the required LF at the end of the message, and as
>> a result, my MTA (slocal) does not see the end of the message,
>> resulting in messages being lumped together.

>> This has caused me to stop using SA 2.31. You can see the effect
>> if you run the attached message through SA with spamassassing
>> -P < problemmail.txt

> I'm curious... if you pull spamassassin out of the loop, how does it
> suddenly work?  Who puts in the necessary LF for slocal?

Good question. I should add that I normally don't use spamassassin 
with the -P option, as I use it as an MDA that should deliver the 
processed messages to the spool file.
Anyway, I can't really answer your question. All I can say that the 
messages are properly delivered without spamassassin and lumped 
together with spamassassin. 
If anybody has any suggestions how to solve this, I'd be most 
grateful. Anybody else experiencing similar symptoms, or also using 
exmh or mh and not having problems?

Dr. Andreas Busch
Centre for European Politics,           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics and Society                   Web: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~busch
University of Oxford                    Tel. (+44)-1865-278 704
3 George Street Mews                    Fax. (+44)-1865-278 725
Oxford OX1 2AA, United Kingdom

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