When I run the test of spamassassin no output is produced output file is empty), yet 
setting the debug flag does show that work is being done.  I originally ran the test 
without installing dccproc but the results I got were the same.  It seemed to complain 
about dccproc being missing.  When I run dccproc as a filter it sends everything 
through unchanged, so I don't know that dccproc is doing anything wrong.  I don't know 
what to try next and I'm hoping for some suggestions.


James Simmons

jds@linux:~ > spamassassin -t -D < /usr/src/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.31/sample-spam.t
xt debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: using "/home/jds/.spamassassin" for user state dir
debug: using "/home/jds/.spamassassin/user_prefs" for user prefs file
debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver unavailable? 1
debug: is DNS available? 0
debug: running header regexp tests; score so far=0
debug: running body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=15.2
debug: running uri tests; score so far=25.1
debug: uri tests: Done uriRE
debug: running raw-body-text per-line regexp tests; score so far=25.1
debug: running full-text regexp tests; score so far=25.1
debug: Razor is not available
debug: spam-phrase score: 18.1285709067085: hits: all information, are you, base
d business, federal legislation, for your, from our, future mailings, home based
, mail address, our company, permanently removed, please send, remove the, remov
ed from, subject line, that can, the subject, word remove, you for, you like, yo
u need, you not, you with, your mail
debug: DCC is available: 1.1.2

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