I think what Julian is saying and I recall see the same thing with
Mailscanner before he's temp fix is that if you called is_spam() using
the same message, that it will give the same scoring but is_spam() would
return true.

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Bug report: -2.7 > 9 ???

Julian Field writes:

> Run the command
>          ./spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt
> and I get this at the end of the output
> SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results 
> ----------------------
> SPAM: This mail is probably spam.  The original message has been
> SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
> SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
> SPAM: Content analysis details:   (-2.7 hits, 9 required)
> So -2.7 > 9 is it?

No, you are running in test mode so that it puts out the results. The
results contain the phrase 'This mail is probably spam.', but you are
testing the nonspam sample and the result is -2.7 so it is ok (?)


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